Saturday 1 November 2008

Sarah Palin - The Disservice the Democrats Have Done America

To blame the Democratic candidate for anything connected with Sarah Palin may seem extraordinary but there is one aspect in which they have fallen short.

The criticism mainly applied to her is that Sarah Palin is not ready to be Vice-President. Not ready for that role and certainly not ready for the greater than usual possibility that she may have to replace the President whom she understudies.

What nonsense!

Sarah Palin is not fit to be Vice-President. She is not fit now nor will she ever be. To suggest that such fitness is a function of time is the disservice of which the Obama/Biden campaign is guilty.

As a consequence, a part of the USA now believes that her time will come in 2012. The reported distancing of herself from the McCain campaign suggests that even Sarah Palin believes that this is so.

Of course, the Democrats may like to see the Republicans tear themselves apart as Sarah Palin seeks nomination in the future. They may like to keep the delusion of a Sarah Palin candidacy live for another eight years.

Come on Democrats! Country before party, please.

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